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I have written a portable ProTracker 2 (v2.3D) clone in C using SDL 2. Here's a screenshot.
What is ProTracker? Read about it on Wikipedia.

Note #1: If you're using a French keyboard layout, you must not hold down shift while entering numbers in
the pattern data.

Note #2: If you have more than one monitor connected to your PC, and they use different refresh rates, you might get some program issues!

PT2 clone v1.72 download: (18th of December 2024 12:42 - GMT +2 - changelog)

Source code and more info can be found over at GitHub. Please read "HOW-TO-COMPILE.txt".

Windows important notice: macOS/OS X important notices: Linux important notice: Palette editor tool download:

Here's a ProTracker tutorial by Wasp^PWL.